Cockroaches as pets at home
Cockroaches are very movable insects with a brownish color. They seem superficially a bit on beetles. They are especially active at night. They are then looking for food and can spread germs. Some people may even react allergic to cockroaches. A cockroach plague must always be judged and skillfully treated, because it never disappears just by itself but continues to expand.

Cockroach Health effects?
Cockroaches can be like flying carriers of bacteria (eg. Salmonella bacteria) and fungi that they can transmit to our food (and that of our pets), causing various conditions pets such as food poisonings, skin diseases and asthmatic symptoms may arise.
In addition, the proteins in the saliva and feces of cockroaches in some people can provoke allergic reactions and asthmatic symptoms.
Cockroaches spread a very unpleasant odor. A scourge of cockroaches is perceived as bothersome and can have a general negative impact on the quality of life over time.
How to limit nuisance?
If you do pet not want to visit cockroaches in the house, it is important that you make the house ' as pets care care unattractive ' for cockroaches:
• Keep your house clean and dry.
• Avoid sources of water at home, repair leaks as quickly as possible.
• Store food in well lockable stock boxes. Especially avoid that roaches cockroaches as there is uncovered food in the house pets at night.
• Store waste in closed garbage bins with well-closing lids.
• When you have pets in your house, just give them the amount of food they can eat at one time and avoid that there will be food at night in their food bowls.
Keep in mind that cockroaches can easily survive for several weeks without food and moisture.
Do you suffer from cockroaches, then you can get to madagascar hissing hissing cockroaches the hand of cockroaches to estimate the size of the problem (how many cockroaches are there in the trap? Besides large also small cockroaches and eipakketjes pet occur?). At night cockroaches can be easily detected by looking for a flashlight.
Small numbers can be combated with lokdozen, powders and sprays, which you buy in the shop. cockroaches as pets If you use these means, always follow the instructions on the packaging and avoid contact with children and pets.
A real cockroach infestation cannot be fought with the products you buy in the shop, they are not powerful enough for that. The fight against a cockroach plague must as pets always be considered and expertly addressed. The help of a professional control firm is therefore always needed.
When you kick a cockroach, well over the remainders and check your hissing cockroach shoe soles on the presence of Eipakketjes. This way you avoid the further spread of the eggs (and thus also of the Cockroaches plague).
What are cockroaches?
Cockroaches are roaches very movable, winged insects. They have a flattened appearance with long antennae and long, thorny legs. They are usually brown in color and appear superficially a bit on beetles.
The most common cockroach in Belgium is the German cockroach (Blatella care Germanica). To a lesser extent the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis), which is sometimes called the ' bakkerstor ', and the brown Band cockroach (Supella Longipalpa) are noticed.
The Boskakkerlak (Ectobius sylvestris) is sometimes found in and around dwellings in forest and moorland environments.
German cockroaches are light brown in color pets and have two clear black length streaks on the chest shield, long antennae and large wings. They are 12 to 16 mm long. Young cockroaches are 2 to 12 mm long and have no wings yet.
How and where do you experience hissing cockroaches nuisance?
Cockroaches are especially active at night. During the day they flee away from light and usually hide in dark, warm and damp spaces, seams and crevices. They keep temperatures from 20 to 30 °c and sufficient humidity.
Favorite places of cockroaches include:
• Behind the refrigerator
• In and behind kitchen cabinets
• Piping Tubes
• Drainage Pits
• Cellars
• Near garbage: Rubbish sacks, household waste
• Close to the standby button of VCR or television
There are often indications to be found for their presence, such as:
• Droppings and stains
• Dead Insects
• Eipakketjes
• Skin flakes.
Cockroaches do not only occur in ' dirty ' homes, you can also find them in moving boxes, postal baranwal and second hand stuff. pet They pets also like to join in with clothes and luggage. Therefore always check this stuff and clean them if necessary.
Cockroaches can come from at the neighbors. Cockroaches spread rapidly to adjacent rooms,
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