can you keep cockroaches for pets ??

As we know cockroaches are animals that most people fear because these animals are identical with dirty and spreading germs. Thinking about keeping this cockroach as a pet is a unique and strange thing.
But not all roaches are dirty and spreading germs, there are about 3,500 species in cockroaches on earth, of course with so many species of cockroaches that we can keeping as pets. Among the most famous species are American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana, which is 3cm long, German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with ± 1½cm long, and Asian cockroaches, Blattella asahinai, also about 1½cm long, and giant madagascar cockroaches
Before we discuss more about keeping cockroaches as pets let us know first the dangers of cockroaches for human health.
The danger of cockroaches for health
Cockroaches have a pretty good defensive ability. These animals can eat anything and can survive for long periods without food. However, the main food of cockroaches is any form of waste or organic matter. With this ability, cockroaches can certainly live on almost all conditions. This is why cockroaches can live anywhere but in the polar regions. One of the advantages of this animal is the ability to live from a variety of bacteria that live and grow in the body.
Cockroaches become one of the scourges for humans. Unlike insects that have similarities, like Grasshoppers. Cockroaches are not a mere specter but also fall into the category of dangerous animals. Cockroaches that can live in various conditions, such as dry and wet, bring many diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Diseases carried by these animals are quite diverse, ranging from minor ailments such as skin irritation and allergies, to serious illnesses, such as plague (plague) to dangerous worms. Some types of protein contained in the body of cockroaches - including the skin - is an effective allergen that can trigger allergies and asthma in children.
Cockroaches can live in a human environment. The house became one of the important habitat and suitable for this animal. Although it can live in cold, humid and hot conditions, cockroaches prefer warmer temperatures. Cockroaches will become more active in certain temperatures, especially in the range of 70 'Fahrenheit or about 21' Celsius .
The human house is an ideal habitat for cockroaches since it provides almost all the conditions that these animals need to live and thrive. In general, these are some of the impacts or dangers of cockroaches for human health and the environment:
· Cockroaches Can Foul Food
Cockroaches live by eating whatever is found. Human food is the ideal food given that it contains the organic and carbon compounds required by these animals to live. These animals can eat other animals, soaps, paper, leather and various other objects that are easily found in the human environment. Cockroaches can contaminate human food that is not stored neatly and closed. In addition to "tasting" the food, cockroaches can just leave eggs and put various bacteria into the food.
· Poison Food
Food poisoning can be caused by cockroaches. The entry of toxins in food can occur when there is contact between these foods and animals. Salmonella bacteria live and thrive on the body of cockroaches. Bacteria belonging to the genus of this enterobacteria can cause several types of diseases, such as typhoid and paratifod. In extreme situations, bacteria that move freely can produce hydrogen sulphide. Types of bacteria that are family with eco bacteria harm food and eaters.
· Allergy Causes
Cockroaches can cause the appearance of allergies. Saliva and some parts of the body of cockroaches contain various elements of allergens that can trigger a variety of reactions. Itching on the skin until the eyes are watery are some types of reactions that can arise. Cockroaches also solid trigger disease recurrence of asthma.
· Dissemination of Bacteria and Disease
Root cockroaches become a major tool in disease proliferation. The saliva of cockroaches will stick to the leftover food after a meal. This causes the dissemination of bacteria and other microorganisms that endanger health. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria that can cause blood disorders multiply rapidly in the cockroach intestine.
Here are the types of cockroaches that can be used as pets
1. Madagascar hissing cockroaches
Madagascar Cockroach is comes from the forest of Madagascar in East Africa and is the cockroach of the pre-history and the largest in the world, its length can reach 8-9 cm and has a glossy color with black chocolate and lyrical. The cockroach has a uniqueness that is hissing when we pressed the body of this function, the hissing cockroach aims to surprise its prey animals and is one of the flagshipweapon from the threat of predators, not only that it also hissing Madagascar cockroaches at the moment wants to do the ritual of mating, therefore the roaches is also often called Hissing Cockroach Or Cockroaches Sizzle.
The cockroach has a thick skin and is a giant cockroach. While in the forest habitat of these cockroaches ate the foliage that falls to the nocturnal animals to survive and is able to survive with any temperature conditions and is disease resistant animals.
The advantages of this Madagascar Cockroach are:
Hardcore and giant
Easy to maintain
Her life is long (2 Years)
Not easy to die
No smell and no fly
Nutritionally high, the protein content is higher than crickets and fatty acids
Good for raptil and arowana food
The food is easy to get (chicken, vegetable, and fruit)
This Madagascar Cockroach is a unique animal and is the largest cockroach. Care to maintain it is not difficult so that you can make it a pet, and if you want to make your raptil and your fish more beautiful do not hesitate to give madagaskar cockroach as a feed.
Almost all kinds of cockroaches are pests for humans, but madagascar cockroaches are not, even they are not found in human homes. These insects live in forest land, where they hide in the middle of leaves, wood, and other detritus. In the evenings, they become more active and scurvy to eat, they are very fruitful.
Hissing Madagascar cockroaches even begin his life in an unusual way. Females make cocoons such as eggs called ootheca eggs and carry them (and neonatal nimfa) in their bodies.
2. American cockroach; Periplaneta americana
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a cockroach species - unnamed - can be found all over the world, meaning that this cockroach originally not only in America. This cockroach can grow up to 4 centimeters, making it the largest home-grown cockroach species in the world. In addition to American cockroaches, other identified cockroach species & also found in human settlements are German cockroaches (Blattella germanica), Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis), & Australian cockroaches (Periplaneta australasiae).
American cockroaches have physical features in the form of flat body & oval shaped when viewed from above. The head & wings are dark red, while their backs, legs, & abdomen are red. In the head there is a pair of long antennas that lead straight forward. American cigars also have 2 pairs of overlapping wings if they are not being used. But the American cockroach itself has hardly ever used its wings & uses more of its expertise to move quickly to the ground to move.
American cockroaches are omnivorous animals alias all eaters. In the wild, cocktail favorite foods are organic waste such as decaying animals & fruits. When its wild habitat turns into human settlements, cockroaches are also adapted & surviving by consuming human food remains & starch-like objects such as glue. Besides being able to live with any available food, cockroaches can also live without meals for a month & without water for more than a week! Cockroach is also known as an intermediary of malignant diseases such as typhoid because when looking for food in dirty places, there are bacteria that accidentally stick to & come into being wherever cockroaches go.
Behavior of cockroaches as uninvited guests in human houses in turn makes these animals often diincar people to be killed. But the cockroach also has many ways to protect themselves. When inactivity, the cockroach will hide in a dark & narrow place like a crack of a wall & a closet. Even if the cockroach is caught in the open, the cockroach can take advantage of its quick flight to avoid human attacks. American cloak is one of the fastest insects in the world & can travel speeds up to 5.5 km / hour. Cockroach can also produce sting scent to create the creature who wants to catch him back.
American cocks are experiencing an incomplete metamorphosis, meaning these insects only experience 3 phases in their life cycle: adult eggs, nymphs, and cockroaches. After the marriage, the female cockroach will take a capsule called "ooteka" (ootheca) which contains 16 eggs. Female coyotes can produce 1 ooteka per week, in which they are usually given special sticky fluid from the mouth of the female so that the ooteka they produce do not move. Female coyotes can also lay eggs without marrying (partenogenesis), but the eggs that are produced are usually few that can hatch.
The time required for cockroach eggs to hatch varies between 1 - 2 months. The warmer the temperature of the environment, the faster the egg hatches. Newly chopped nymphs have a very similar look to adult cockroaches, but with a smaller body size & no wings. And just like egg phases, cockroach nymphs also have a very wide range of time to reach adult size, exactly between 160 and 971 days. A cockroach nymph should change skin as much as 13 times before reaching the adult phase. Adult female coyotes can live up to the age of 1.5 years, while adult males have a maximum age that is slightly shorter.
The ability of cockroaches to multiply quickly & adapts in all sorts of environments thus making cockroaches into animals is extremely difficult to remove from human settlements. However, there are several ways that can be used to prevent the home from becoming a cockroach nest. The first way is to make the house floor clean so no food leftovers can be used by cockroaches. Another way is to place food & garbage in a closed place so that the cockroach can not enter.
Dark places like shelves and cabinets should also be cleaned periodically because such places are commonly used for cockroaches to hide & breed. Even if the cockroach is already in the house, the cockroach can still be killed by insecticides & traps. Leaving small cockroach-eaters such as lizards, rivers, & solitary bees to roam inside the home can also be a way to eradicate cockroaches naturally. In short, the key to eradicating cockroaches in the home is to make the house as clean as possible so the cockroach becomes reluctant to stay lingering in it.
3. German cockroaches
Germany's famous indoor cockroach cockroach with distribution throughout the world. Adults are easily recognized by their light brown or brown with two black horizontal lines located on the pronotum immediately behind the head, and grow with the length of 13-16 mm. Young is much smaller, or nymphs, a darker, almost Black in colour, also with black stripes on the back of the head.
While Germany adult cockroaches have wings, they rarely fly, preferring to run.
Behavior, Diet & habit
Though able to live outdoors in a tropical environment, Germany yangpaling cockroaches are often found indoors, with a preference for areas more humid hangatdan structure. At home, these insects can usually be found in the kitchen and bathroom, but can move to other areas of the House if the available food and moisture.
In most cases, Germany cockroaches being introduced into the structure or residence when the bags, cardboard boxes or containers brought into the home. They can even be filed with used appliances. In multiunit apartment buildings, cockroaches Germany can easily move between the units, use of joint pipe and the pipe as a highwa
Germany cockroaches that slum dwellers, are able to feed on most food sources available, including toothpaste, SOAP and bindings of books. These pests are known for their ability to take advantage of the availability of even the smallest amount of food with the crumbs that are missed during pembersihanatau packed in the dirty dishes left in the sink overnight.
Germany cockroaches are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. Women Germany cockroaches only need to mate once for the production of young. After the marriage, and in normal circumstances, they would produce, on average, 4-6 telurkasus during their lives, with each egg case, or ootheca, containing approximately 30-40 eggs. The egg cases are then carried by the female until 1-2 days before they hatch. Depending on the conditions, the average time to development, from egg to adult can range from 54-215 day, with an average of approximately 100 days. As an adult, Germany cockroaches can survive anywhere from 100 to 200 days. Read more about the life cycle of CafardJerman.
Signs of cockroach infestation of Germany
Germany cockroaches
Germany cockroach droppings can appear as small, dark, "pepper-like" at a desk orin a closet. Fecal staining may appear as dark spots or smears, some slightly raised,at the corners of the room, along the peak of the door or around the openings into the walls and small cracks.
The egg capsules
Because women Germany cockroach egg case brings them until 1-2 days before storing it, empty egg cases can be found in places that are often females.
The smell of
Germany cockroaches are also known to secrete a number of odorous compounds.When the population is present in large quantities, it is possible to detect light, or what some have been reported as smell "musty".
Asian cockroaches, vermin Southeast United States, often mistaken for cockroachesGermany. Similar in appearance, the main difference between the two is evident in their behavior. While cockroach Germany known as pest structure, high humidity area seringdi found and temperature, the Asian cockroaches are most often found in the outdoors, and only occasionally make their way onto the structure. In addition, the Asian cockroaches are known for their ability to fly, while Germany cockroaches rarely use their wings for flight and prefer to run from danger.
Germany cockroaches are also known for their ability to send a number of pathogens, including e. coli, Salmonella spp. and typhoid. Recent research also indicates that in the larger metropolitan areas, the development of asthma in children can be directly linked to the presence of cockroaches Germany.
Germany control of cockroaches
Germany produce large quantities of cockroach nymphs in each ootheca. Their small size allows them to hide more efficiently, and they have few natural predators in human habitats. For this reason, the population of Germany cockroaches tend to grow rapidly and require professional care. Contact your local pest control experts for consultation.
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