Step by step Cockroach as a pet

Cockroach as a pet
Good morning guys, this article I responded to an email from my friend watch who asked maybe cockroach can be a pet, well I today want to share to you guys.
Cockroaches are the Insect class animal of the Blattodea order consisting of approximately 3,500 species in 6 families. Cockroaches are present in most parts of the world, except in the Polar Regions.
Among the most famous species are American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana, which has a length of 3 cm, German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with ± 1½ cm long, Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai, also about 1½ cm pets long, and Madagascar cockroach, cockroach - This type of cockroach is mostly kept by humans for the purpose of feeding insects or livestock.
Cockroaches are often considered pests in buildings, although only a few of the thousands of species of cockroaches fall into this stick category.
Cockroach Morphology
Cockroaches are insects with oval body shape, flat dorso-ventral. Its head is hidden beneath the cockroaches as pronotum, complemented she by a pair of compound eyes terrarium and a single eye, a long antenna, two pairs of wings, and three pairs of legs. Pronotum cockroaches as pets and wings are slick, hairless and not scaly, brown to dark brown.
Life cycle
Cockroaches are email insects with incomplete metamorphosis, only through three stadia (stage), ie the stages of eggs, nymph stages and adult stages that can be distinguished pets between male and female. The nymph usually resembles an adult, except for its size, whereas its wings and genitals are in a state of development.
The cockroach eggs are in a group covered by a hard membrane covering the cockroach egg group known new as the egg capsule or "Ootheca". madagascar hissing cockroaches The egg capsule is produced by the female cockroach and placed in a hidden place or at the corners and the surface of the wooden block to hatch within a certain care time known as the incubation period of the egg capsule, but in other species hissing the egg capsule remains as pets attached to the tip of the abdomen until it hatches. The number of eggs and always the share to your incubation period pets of each egg capsule differ list by species.
From the fertilized egg capsule will hatch into a living giant free and active live nymph. The new nymph comes out of the white egg capsule like anything a rice email grain, then she gradually turns brown, The nymph evolves through a series of instars with multiple cuticle turns to reach an adult stage.
Periplanetta americana The adult Linnaeus can be known by the change from the wingless at the nymph stage to the winged at its adult stage in adult P.Americana there are two pairs of wings in both the search male and the female.
Life cycle Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister in laboratory conditions with a temperature of 29 ยบ C, and moisture 78% to 7 months, consisting of incubation period of egg capsule on average 40 days, the development of nymph stages 5 to facebook 6 months.
The incubation period of P.americana egg capsule is on average 32 days, the development of incubation pets nymphs between 5 to 6 months, adult insects then populate and one week later produce the first egg capsule so that the P americana life cycle takes an average of 7 months.
The life cycle of large Neostylopyga rhombifolia (Stoll) reaches 6 months, including roach an incubation period of an average egg capsule of 30 days, hissing cockroaches the development of nymphs between 4 months and 5 months. The adult insects then populated and 15 days later the females produced an egg capsule.
The life cycle of Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius) lasts pets 7 months, covering an incubation period of an average 35-day egg capsule, the development of nymphs takes between 4 months to 6 months, adult insects then multiply email and 10 days later the females produce the information first egg capsule.
Many species house care of cockroaches around the world, some of which are indoors and often found in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, warehouses, offices and libraries.
Habits of Life
Cockroaches are mostly found in tropical regions, which then spread to sub family tropical regions or to cold areas. In general, live in the houses of all pets kinds of ingredients, contaminate human food, smells unpleasant. Most cockroaches can fly, but they are classified as "cursorial", fast moving, active at night, incomplete metamorphosis, damage caused by relatively few cockroaches, but the presence of cockroaches indicates that sanitation as pets in the home is not good.
The relationship of cockroaches with various diseases is unclear, but it causes quite serious disruption, as it can damage clothing, books and contaminate food. The possibility wild can transmit the disease mechanically because once found the eggs worms, protozoa, viruses and fungi are pathogens in the body of a cockroach.
An adult female brunnea P may produce 30 or more egg capsules at intervals of laying down one egg capsule with the subsequent laying of never the egg capsule ranging pets from 3 to 5 days; each P.brunnea egg capsule contains an average of 24 eggs, which trickle an average of 20 nymphs and 10 of them can reach adult stages. The nymphs of P. brunnea develop roaches through a series of instars with 23 cuticle changes before reaching adulthood.
Laboratory plastic observations indicate that a female P.americana can produce 86 egg capsules, with an interval of one egg capsule capsule with an average of 4 days. From a female N.rhombifolia during her life there can produce 66 egg capsules, while female P.autralasiae can produce 30-40 egg capsules.
cockroaches are often made as pets

Madagascar provide cockroach as a pet
Madagascar tank cockroach with the Latin name Gromphadorhina portentosa is one of the largest cockroaches in the world. At the productive age of about six to eight months, the length can reach 9 centimeters (cm). At the age of more than a year the length can be 13 cm.
Unlike the kids cockroaches that we often encounter, Madagascar's cockroaches are unique, exciting and exotic that captivate many people to make Madagascar cockroaches a pet.
In addition to not smell, the other uniqueness roaches of the Madagascar cockroach is to have no wings and can issue a hiss when care his body is pressed. The resulting loud thud is the same happy eat a weapon that he uses to surprise predators.
In addition to pets, black and brown cockroaches can also make some pets pets of animals such as reptiles, tarantulas, fish and others. instead Cockroaches email have a protein content three times higher than crickets.
Madagascar's cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) originates from pets the island of Madagascar which is the mainland of Africa. This cockroach has a slower movement of cockroaches that are often encountered at home, making it easy to handle. It does not smell, its yellow to shiny black and does not fly.
In America many people as pets keep this Madagascar Hissing Cockroach as a pet. While in Indonesia, many Madagascar mind cockroaches are raised for feed. If you want to keep the Madagascar Cockroach as a pet, here's what you need to pay attention to.
1. Cage or place to store Madagascar Cockroach can be aquarium or transparent box. You can give aquarium colored pebbles or sand for a more colorful look. Research shows that bran allows to see babies (nymphs) easier when cleaning their share cages.
2. This cockroach needs a small space with a place to hide from light and stick to climb. They are excellent climbers and have been well-known for looking own up from their cages. Experts recommend keeping a few inches from the list top of the cage and coated with petroleum jelly to places inhibit the runaway cockroaches.
3. The best temperature for this Madagascar Cockroach is slightly above room temperature, between 75-90 F or 24-32 C.
4. These email insects can be fed like fresh fruits and vegetables, all kinds of dry pellets which are foods high in back protein - even dog pets food. Clean up the left over food to avoid decay.
5. Water shall be provided in shallow containers with gravel, hissing cotton or other absorbent material in it to prevent roaches from drowning.
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